Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Natural Tooth Whitening Alternatives, Plus Remineralization!

I think it is fascinating that we spend some much time caring for our teeth. Think about it, Americans love having beautiful, white teeth! I can't think of another culture where teeth are so well cared for, can you?

I care for my teeth too, although I am more about function and health than looks and presentation.  I have never worn braces to fix the gap in my upper front teeth, and probably never will.  I love coffee so I don't worry about keeping them gleaming white either. 

And to be honest, most of today's commercial tooth whitening products contain many ingredients that actually cause your teeth and gums to deteriorate quicker, not to mention are a literal pain in the mouth.

The number one ingredient in tooth whitening gels is carbamide peroxide (which is what most people use to remove ear wax also) - a chemical which almost always causes severe allergic reactions in it's users. Check out this article at Prevention. 

I know that people say they want beauty at any cost, but when you have to experience physical pain and get hives from ONE product, I think it might be time to change your approach. I have been working on tweaking my remineralizing toothpaste recipe. First off, I decided I would try making a tooth powder that would do two things - remineralize and whiten teeth. So far, I am happy with the results, and my testers are too! It's all natural, of course, and I have added Organic Sage leaf powder to help promote teeth whitening.

There are other natural herbs and fruits that can whiten teeth - strawberries!

Turmeric is also another herb that can help get your pearly whites nice and bright.  I've also heard of guava leaf, lemon juice and olive oil can also get the job done, naturally and with far less to no side affects. 

Mo'Teeth Remineralizing and Whitening Tooth Powder
available at

My tooth powder is available for you to try if you are interested in both whitening  and remineralizing your teeth. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Natural Skin Care

It seems like my face produces more oil in the Summer than any other time of year. I have always had dry skin, so this experience of having an oily face is new for me. Largely hereditary, oily skin runs in the family - my sister has always had oily skin, too.
Besides genetics, oily skin is also caused by heightened hormones, that is why many teenagers and some pregnant women may have temporary bouts with acne and oily skin. They also say that people with oily skin have less wrinkles, which is good news!

Since genetics and hormones have likely dealt me this oily skin card, I am looking for ways to help my skin with things like black heads, clogged pores, softening, clearing, etc. After trying a few different types of healing herbal masks, I have decided I like a simple one best. It is made with clay, apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil. I apply it and leave it on for about 45 minutes. I find it is very refreshing, especially on a hot day. Once the mask dries, I rinse my face with cool water and then mist with a soothing floral toner. This helps me greatly, because on days when I don't do this, I feel even oilier than I normally am. I have also seen that my pores are dramatically smaller that they normally are!

The only real draw back (if you see it this way) is that you have to have these ingredients on hand to make these items. Unfortunately, I don't regularly find Bentonite Clay at my local drug store, and finding some of the essential oils may take some shopping around to find a good quality source that is a good price as well.

Here is my recipe for the super-simple clay mask:

4 Tbsp Bentonite Clay
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
5 - 8 drops Tea Tree Oil

In a glass bowl, mix all of the ingredients (you may need to add more vinegar to form a paste). Some people may like to add a little purified water if they find the ACV is too strong. If you are not a fan of tea tree oil, try another healing oil like eucalyptus, lavender, or something floral, like rose.

Once you are happy with the consistency, apply to your face, and leave it on for up to 45 minutes. Rinse off with cool water, and pat dry. You can try a rosewater toner or witch hazel to maintain a fresh feeling and to help oil control. Remember that both the Bentonite Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar are detoxing and will draw out impurities in your skin, so if you have a little break out, don't worry, it's natural!

If you have more mask mixture, you can easily store it in a glass jar, and keep in in the fridge until you are ready to use it again. If mixing up clay masks just is not your thing, you can find it in my etsy shop:

Thanks for stopping by!